
My mother taught me to always write thank you notes. So here we go: daily thanks for the big & small things in life.

Thinilicious Mints November 15, 2010

Filed under: Food & Drink — Courtney @ 9:00 pm

Dear Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies:


You rock.


upon my honor I tell the truth,



A Closing Sentiment November 14, 2010

Filed under: Theatre — Courtney @ 8:27 pm

Dear fellow understudies of the marvelous “OPUS”,

What a grand ride!

It’s difficult to believe that this afternoon was our closing performance – how quickly these seven weeks have gone by!

You three actors are simply amazing.  I am very blessed to have been cast alongside you.  From observing rehearsals (we got to sit at the table, yay!), to practicing our bowing of violins/violas/cellos (remember to add that skill to your resume), to our actual understudy run (which was nearly flawless, I believe), it has been wonderful.  Perhaps the sweetest part of all though, was the conversation.  Each of you are insanely witty and talented – how I will miss our banter and talks.

So thank you, my friends, for a beautiful first adventure in a regional theatre.  While I am sure our paths will cross again, best of luck to you in your future endeavors.

And remember…..don’t hold back!

bowingly yours,



NJTransit, Thank You. November 13, 2010

Filed under: Miscellaneous Thanks — Courtney @ 5:03 pm
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Dear NJ Transit,

Today, I was scheduled to train to Red Bank, NJ to see a matinee. However, upon my early arrival at the station (estimated trip length is two hours on weekends), I discovered that you had listed the incorrect times on your website, therefore causing me to miss my train.

For a moment, I was furious at you. How dare you screw up and cause me to miss my train, and therefore show?  You have messed up my day! You have taken away my plans for the next six hours!

… have taken away my plans for the next six hours.


That’s kind of nice.

NJ Transit, I now apologize to you. For my spiteful thoughts and mean-spirited cursing. For, if it weren’t for you, I would not have had a free Saturday. A free Saturday that had clear blue skies, bright sunshine and temperatures in the low 60’s. A free Saturday that allowed me to clean my apartment, get work done, and even spend some quality time sitting on my front patio with the roomers and her boyfriend, sipping Sam Adams Octoberfest.

What a lovely way to spend an autumn afternoon.

So thank you, NJ Transit, for giving me the gift I didn’t know I needed.

lazily yours,



This morning, I am thankful for: November 12, 2010

Filed under: Food & Drink,Friends & Family,Work — Courtney @ 8:35 am
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My fabulous uncle and cousin.

The deliciously splendid dinner we had last night.

The witty conversation that had me crying and laughing,

And the Advil to nurse the hangover.


Also, thankful for my co-worker, whose last day is today. (Another post on him may be forthcoming.)

Happy Friday!

reaching for more Advil and water,




It’s the little things. November 10, 2010

Filed under: Food & Drink,Friends & Family,Miscellaneous Thanks — Courtney @ 9:50 pm
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I must say, the past 24 hours has proved to be quite entertaining and full of encounters for which to be thankful.


For starters, working an NFL (that is probably the only time you will see “NFL” tagged in an entry on this blog) party where the Heisman trophy and all Superbowl rings were on display.  Even as a “The game’s on? …..what game?  Monolopy?”-type of individual, I was pretty impressed by it all, and grateful to see.


Next, there’s the fact that I’ve been hitting a lucky streak of reading really fantastic books (“The Room” by Emma Donoghue and “Committed” by Elizabeth Gilbert).  Perhaps it sounds small, but any avid reader will tell you it is a blessing.


Most importantly, there is the sad point that a fair number of my friends’ family members have fallen ill or passed away this week.  My heart and sympathy goes out to them during these troubled times.  Often at times like this, I find myself feeling so thankful that my own family is in strong health, mentally and physically – how lucky we are, and how often we forget.


So yes, you could say that I have several things for which to be thankful.


But that is not what this post is about.


This post, is about a brownie.


One of the most delicious, wonderful brownies baked by my roommate.  The brownie that was sitting on the kitchen table, waiting for me this evening.  The brownie that I did indeed devour, guilt-free, as a congratulations to myself after completing a personal goal.  The brownie that made me realize:  sometimes, all you need in life is a little treat.


So thank you, little brownie (and of course, little roommate), for making me so happy.


collapsing into a sugar coma,



Start Your Morning Right November 8, 2010

Filed under: Food & Drink — Courtney @ 8:23 pm

Dear Starbucks Short Skim Vanilla Steamer,


You kind of rock. Tiny, but frothy.  Decaffeinated, but sweet.  And packed with a wallop of vanilla deliciousness that reminds me of home and comfort.


How glad I am that my roomie introduced us!  From this day forward, you and I may just meet every morning.


already licking my lips in anticipation of tomorrow morning,



Let’s get merry! November 7, 2010

Filed under: Holidays — Courtney @ 6:50 pm
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It seems that every year, the holiday season comes upon us slightly earlier than the last.

Gold and red tinsel magically appear in store windows around mid-November, Christmas carols drift in over the loudspeakers at Macy’s on November 1st, and holiday decorations, knickknacks and candy (it’s not just candy canes anymore, I’m pretty sure every major candy company in the world now has a “Christmas!” candy form) are mixed in with the remaining Halloween costumes near the end of October.

The eternal question is: Why so early?  Must we spend part of October and all of November in the holiday bliss?  Can’t we just savor it for a few blessed weeks in December?

Some business-minded realists (God bless them, we do need them in this world) may tell you that the reason for pressing the season upon us early is so we, the consumers, will start buying gifts earlier.  And therefore buy for a longer period of time.  And ultimately, buy more items.   Which raises the stores’ sales.

While this may be (and truthfully, probably is partially) true, I prefer to look at it from the optimistic view: The holidays make us happy.  Plain and simple.

Yes, we all get stressed during those caroling months, but in between racing to buy a gift for the person who unexpectedly gave us a present (damn, don’t you hate those generous people?), photoshopping the holiday postcard photo (“Why, yes, looks like my tan from my summer vacation has lasted all year!”), and devising complex family-visiting strategies (If we have to be at Auntie Grace’s Christmas cocktail party at 7pm, and it takes 45 minutes to drive there from Uncle Jack’s, but Uncle Jack’s cookie-baking extravaganza doesn’t end until 6:30pm, how will we make it in time!), there is always the merry moment.

The merry moment. When the to-do lists fade away, the mind stops brainstorming gift ideas, and we just take it all in. The twinkle lights, the scent of hot chocolate, the carols humming about. And in that moment, you can’t deny the holiday spirit. There’s a warm glow that overtakes you as thoughts of crackling fires, presents under a tree, and holiday feasts swim about your head. The merry moment.

Not to say that we can’t have these moments of joy throughout the year.  But the holiday season is where it seems to be on everyone’s mind. Every candy cane, every red tinsel can spark that somewhat magical feeling. That moment of love, thanks, happiness. And in today’s often dark and disappointing world, it’s nice to live in a few months filled with merry moments.

So I say, bring it on! As of this moment, I am stopping my holiday-decorations-are-displayed-too-early complaints. Instead, I am going to be thankful for the holidays, for what they mean to me, for the joy they bring.

In fact – hang on. Let me go and plug in my twinkle lights around our living room window (which we never took down from last year).

Ah, yes.

The merry moment.

Jingle-bellingly yours,



It’s In The Eyes November 6, 2010

Filed under: Birthdays,Food & Drink,Friends & Family,Uncategorized — Courtney @ 6:23 pm
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Today, I have thanks for many, many people and things (especially the boyfriend, one of the best friends, and Smart Ones Mac & Cheese – all three of which soothed my tipsy soul last night).  But let’s single out just one of them.


Today marks the 27th birthday of a favorite cousin, and therefore a day for us all to give thanks for her.  As second cousins living in different cities, our relationship as children ebbed and flowed.  But when we were together, I completely idolized her.  If she had a neon green tee over pink and purple striped leggings with a matching scrunchie, then I had to have a neon green tee over pink and purple striped leggings with a matching scrunchie.  If she had a glass of Sprite with dinner, then I had to have a glass of Sprite with dinner.  As an only child, I adored being around both her and my three younger cousins in that family – it gave me a chance to be part of a crazy, amazing, loving group of people.


Through adolescence, my cousin and I drifted apart, but were recently reunited by both moving to NYC.  The time apart had matured us both, and we found that our childhood relationship was not just based on familial obligations – we actually liked each other!  During the past two years, over countless dinners, drinks (many drinks) and mani/pedis, we have celebrated milestone birthdays, the starts of new jobs, the maturing of relationships with our significant other, and, often, just an ordinary Friday.  While our “adult” (I put in quotes because neither of us really views ourselves as grown-up by any means) relationship is very different from that one that took place during the scrunchie-era, I’ve come to realize that truthfully, not that much has changed.


Two winters ago she had a knit brown hat that I adored (it just made her look….awesome.  You must understand, my cousin looks like a model.)  After seeing her wear it around for a few weeks, I couldn’t help going out and purchasing one for myself (I don’t look nearly as beautiful in it as she does).  And last night at her birthday happy hour, she was drinking a mango cocktail, and by the end of the night, I ended up drinking a mango cocktail.


Perhaps it is still the child in me.  Perhaps each of us always needs someone to look up, someone we can point to and say, “To me, they are one of the most amazing people in the world.”


Whatever the reason may be, I will tell you all this:  with my immediate family being six hours away, having my cousin in the city is a blessing.  This summer, I went over to her apartment where she, her boyfriend (to me, another loved family member), and my other (equally awesome) cousin live.  We laid poolside (yes, poolside – I told you she was cool) for a while, then drifted up to their apartment.  They lit some candles, put on Miles Davis, and prepared a delicious feast (well, credit where credit is due – her boyfriend really prepared it. ;).


And I stood in their beautiful apartment, glass of wine in my hand, my heart so full of joy I thought it would burst, thinking, “This is family.  This is happiness.  This is all a blessing.”


So here’s to you, my dear cousin, on your 27th birthday.  Thank you for the blessing of family, happiness, and you.


Happy birthday!


still mildly hungover from last night (I know you’re proud of me),


PS Few people will get the title of this post – that one’s just for us. 🙂


Welcome back? November 4, 2010

Filed under: Theatre,Work — Courtney @ 9:51 pm
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Dear Co-Workers,

As you know, I was on a semi-leave of absence for the past six weeks, working in our theatre offices only one day a week.  This week, however, I started back full time.

And I must remark:  what a welcome!

Now, I know, that comes across a little sarcastically, but I kid you not – I mean it truthfully.  Somehow, you all managed to give me a heartfelt welcome in your own way:  passing me in the stairway, winking and whispering, “We’re happy you’re here.”; throwing a pad of Post-It’s at me when I walked in the door as you screamed, “Why the hell haven’t you been here!  We need you!”;  literally falling to your knees and wrapping yourself around my legs while sobbing in relief.

I wish some of those weren’t true incidents.  But they all are.  And you know it.  Remember, we work in a theatre office.

Now, this thank-you is not meant to be self-indulgent.  Before I took my leave, I was feeling a bit at the end of my rope.  I was stressed and often felt unwanted and unthanked.  Please don’t take offense at this (or….maybe some of you should), but our office was one of the last places I wanted to be.

So to be welcomed back so warmly, to know that I actually do well there, that I am needed….well, needless to say, it makes working my 10-hour catch-up days almost worth it.


happily yours,



The first thank you note. November 2, 2010

Dearest Reader,

My mother, a very wise woman, taught me to always, always, always write thank you notes.

Whether the note was for a birthday gift, letting me crash at their pad, or helping me to get through a troubled time, a gracious card is not just polite, but necessary.

Well, the other night, at the end of a crazy and long week, I had a spontaneous dance party in my apartment.  (I swear, this connects, just go with it.)  Just me, a glass of wine and some music.  Perhaps it was the wine, or the music, or the fact that it was *finally* Friday, but halfway through a really awkward (and never to be seen in public) head-bang/hip-swivel move, I realized:  I am incredibly blessed with this life.  And eternally thankful for every moment.

My friends, my family, my faith, my career – these are the main things for which I am grateful.  But then there are the day to day thanks – finding out that I still have two more squeezes in my toothpaste tube, the roomie giving me a homemade (and freaking delicious) brownie after a long day, finding that damn earring under the bed after weeks of searching for it.  These are the thanks that get me by.  And it wouldn’t hurt me to try to focus on them more often.

So why not write about it here?

Throw some grateful karma out into the universe and see what happens.

Nearly every day, I will post a thank you note. To the small things (like my hot rollers) to the big things (like Obama) and perhaps even to you. When you have the time, take a read and post back what you’re thankful for.

There’s a lot of disappointment and hatred in the world. But if each day we can focus on just one teeny thing that we’re thankful for, I think we would be a lot better off.

So here we go!

gratefully yours,